Thursday, May 10, 2012

Growing blueberries

Several years ago we had an area near us that was a wild blueberry field.  You could go there and pick all you wanted for free, what a deal.  Well in the infinite wisdom of our forest service they decided it would be better if they did not help the plants at all but just let them go wild and spread out as far as they like.  They are all or course died; if you plant them I suggest a little more assistance on your part.  My mother and I went out to a local farm last year and picked blueberries.  This farm had two rows of blueberry bushes planted and they went on several hundred yards.  They were not very tall and from the road not very impressive.  So we grabbed our little quart baskets and headed out.  Well once we got past the first couple of bushes we were amazed.  You could just stand right at one small bush and fill your basket many times over.  After we picked and ate all we wanted I stopped out to pay for the berries and the owner was there.  So I asked him, “How do you get so many berries on your bushes”.  I mean I spread manure and weed and protect my bushes but I am very happy to get cup full of them.  He does not seem to do much at all.  So he looked at me and me and said “how old are they, you cannot expect a crop until they are 10 to 15 years old. “  So I guess I will be buying berries form him for another decade or so.

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