Sunday, February 28, 2016

How was your raise?

So it is the new year and most of us working sheep have been herded through the office for the annual talk.  I sure you know the talk I mean.  The one where we look over all you have done for the year,  and justify to you, your tiny little raise in some logical way.  It could be the market was really hard, lucky we made it; or the market was really good so we had to spread the money out to more people; or remember that mistake you made;  or I think we can both agree you are not performing to your potential.  Some of these ring a bell?  Are you bitter, upset, you should not be.  This is how the system works; someone making 6 figures calls down to your boss's boss and says here is how much I can spare for the chattel that you employ.  Your boss does his best to divide it up but that is his only roll,  the guy with all the money is not going to send more because you are worth more,  no no he budgeted what is coming down and that is that.  Well I am not upset, I got just what I expected, and so did you.  As an hourly employee that is all you are ever going to get, that is how it works.  The less they pay you,  the more they make simple math.  They pay you as little as they can and still keep you there.  I am grateful I have a job and it pays the bills, it is something I am able to do and there is a lot to be said for there.  There is purpose and direction in working for a living, a reason to get up.  A little side note, did you ever eat dinner with someone who makes 6 figures.  I have,  she make me dinner with her own hands and sat with me and my wife for hours.  She put aside her entire schedule to help me.  She looked at us and let us know our future was important to her.  She wants to see us succeed and be free.  Yeah she does not work in a factory or an office,  but I can introduce you to her and she will be just as willing to help you.  Showing love and compassion for others is what her business is based on and now this is our business too.  Come join us!

                                 Sue and RJ's website

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