Saturday, February 18, 2012

Peas, just not a pod big enough.

I think one of the most popular and easiest vegetables to grow is peas. They grow well, they grow early, and everyone loves the taste.  So it makes sense that you would want to grow them to freeze for the year.  Well that is where things take a turn.  No matter what you do, you never seem to end up with enough peas to freeze, and you are back at Wally word in a month to buy peas.   So what is the problem, if they are easy to grow, why are we not getting enough of them to put into the freezer?  And before you let me know about the double planting, circle planting and all the rest, yeah we have tried that.  All do help to get a bigger harvest but still not enough to put any away.  Then last year I did something to solve the problem, I called in an expert.  That’s right I asked my mom, we all know that is where most of the knowledge is stored.  Like a massive walking library of information at our disposal, our mom is there to help out.   And she told me it is just a matter of mathematics; you only get so many pods on a plant and so many peas in a pod.  Well you can fit a lot of peas into a freezer bag.  So there are a few things you can do to help this problem. One is double planting- always a good idea.  This works best if you wait about a month in between.  You plant a row of peas where they will grow up a fence, then in the same place plant again a month later.  When the first set is dying off the second is coming on.  The second thing you can do is just plant more; use every opportunity that you can to plant more peas.  Where ever there is a fence it is fair game.  Also they make this stuff called pea fence, it is one of the most useless products on the market. I am convinced it was designed by the jolly green Giant just to keep us buying peas at the store.   We use standard welded fencing it is easier to use and hold the peas better.  What type of peas do you like best?

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