Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Feels Like Spring!

We've had a few beautiful spring days here in upstate New York lately. Getting impatient to see those signs of spring sprouting from the earth.  Checked on all the mints we grow around our yard and no green showing yet! That being the case, I am going to bring you mint from Young Living!
  First I will share a Peppermint Pattie recipe with you - YUM!

Homemade Peppermint Patties


  • 1 cup shredded or flaked unsweetened coconut
  • 4 tablespoons coconut oil (melted)
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 10 drops Young Living Peppermint Oil
  • 1 cup of chocolate chips


  1. Process the shredded coconut in food processor for about 30 seconds until it is very fine. Add the coconut oil, honey and peppermint oil. Process until a smooth paste has formed.
  2. Shape this paste into 1 1/2 inch size rounds and place on a cookie sheet. Place the cookie sheet in the freezer for 10 minutes.
  3. Melt the chocolate in the microwave on medium power or over a double boiler. Remove the shaped patties from the freezer and coat in chocolate. Pop back into fridge or freezer until ready to serve.
Store leftovers in the refrigerator.  
 Next time I'm thinking about using an orange oil instead of peppermint.

And now how about some pampering with 
Young Living's Satin Facial Scrub?
It only takes a little bit, but when I use this my face feels so fresh and cool. This Scrub is so refreshing and makes me feel more awake!
So, now I just have to wait & watch while my mints grow around the yard!
Come visit us!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Truly great products, no really!

Every month we grab up our catalog to try something new.  Our goal at first was to get a better feel for the company and the products.  I think now the goal has changed to, “is there anything they do not do better?”  One of the products we tried last month was mouthwash.  Pretty simply product and to be honest I was not expecting much.  What a wonderful surprise Thieves mouthwash is.  It leaves you clean, refreshed and somehow more awake every time you use it.  Most mouthwash is just a mix of alcohol and chemical to try to give you a fresh feel.  Thieves is much different it is just essential all natural oils and it really makes you noticeably better than you were just moments ago.  How does this happen?  A lot of the answer is how these wonderful essential oils affect your body,  the rest of the answer is this wonderful company that puts them together.  People who are not pleased with this product have not tried it. Want to try some?  Come join us!

Sue and RJ's website

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

How many of you are living that drama? That used to be us too. And even though we are moving further from that statement, some months are still a repeat episode! Then, Young Living enters stage left and Empty Wallets is no longer the star of the show! It does take some time and some work, but we are building our way to financial freedom. Wouldn't you like to be the star of your own financial story? Just get in touch and we'd be glad to share our full story with you.

Have a wonderful day!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Sue's Pamper Me Saturday

This week we are going to make a foaming face wash! 
                                 Face wash - 1/4 teaspoon almond oil
                                                  - 1/4 teaspoon vitamin E oil
                                                  - 1/3 cup Castile soap
                                                  - 10 drops Frankincense
                                                  - 6 drops Purification
                                                  - 5 drops Lavender  
                                                  - 5 drops Peppermint
                                                  - 2/3 cup distilled water
Mix all oils in a foaming pump container with soap, swirl to mix.
 Add water to mix.

Last week we had waffles. This week we are going to have a healthy pamper me breakfast! 

Take your pick, chocolate or vanilla. Add your favorite fruit. Maybe the chocolate with strawberries? Or vanilla with mango?

That's our pampering for this Saturday. Enjoy and have a wonderful week!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

How was your raise?

So it is the new year and most of us working sheep have been herded through the office for the annual talk.  I sure you know the talk I mean.  The one where we look over all you have done for the year,  and justify to you, your tiny little raise in some logical way.  It could be the market was really hard, lucky we made it; or the market was really good so we had to spread the money out to more people; or remember that mistake you made;  or I think we can both agree you are not performing to your potential.  Some of these ring a bell?  Are you bitter, upset, you should not be.  This is how the system works; someone making 6 figures calls down to your boss's boss and says here is how much I can spare for the chattel that you employ.  Your boss does his best to divide it up but that is his only roll,  the guy with all the money is not going to send more because you are worth more,  no no he budgeted what is coming down and that is that.  Well I am not upset, I got just what I expected, and so did you.  As an hourly employee that is all you are ever going to get, that is how it works.  The less they pay you,  the more they make simple math.  They pay you as little as they can and still keep you there.  I am grateful I have a job and it pays the bills, it is something I am able to do and there is a lot to be said for there.  There is purpose and direction in working for a living, a reason to get up.  A little side note, did you ever eat dinner with someone who makes 6 figures.  I have,  she make me dinner with her own hands and sat with me and my wife for hours.  She put aside her entire schedule to help me.  She looked at us and let us know our future was important to her.  She wants to see us succeed and be free.  Yeah she does not work in a factory or an office,  but I can introduce you to her and she will be just as willing to help you.  Showing love and compassion for others is what her business is based on and now this is our business too.  Come join us!

                                 Sue and RJ's website